
Progress Update Against Corporate Key Performance Indicators Q2 2021/22. Extract from the proceedings of the Policy & Resources Committee meeting held on the 2 December 2021

Date of Meeting:

16 December 2021

Report of:

Executive Lead Officer for Strategy, Governance & Law    

Contact Officer:


Mark Wall


01273 291006



Wards Affected:



            For general release



Action Required of Council:

To receive the report from the Policy & Resources Committee for information.



To note the report.




Brighton & Hove City Council


Policy & Resources Committee


4.00pm2 December 2021


Hove Town Hall - Council Chamber




Present:   Councillor Mac Cafferty (Chair) Druitt (Joint Deputy Chair), Gibson (Joint Deputy Chair), Allcock (Joint Opposition Spokesperson), Appich (Joint Opposition Spokesperson), Bell (Group Spokesperson), Clare, Evans, Miller and Yates.

Also present: Dr Anusree Biswas-Sasidharan, Standing Invitee








64.1         The Head of Performance, Improvement & Programmes introduced the report which detailed the key performance indicators (KPIs) for the period 1 April 2021 to 30 September 2021.


64.2         The Committee welcomed the report and thanked officers for their work on bringing the information to the committee. The Committee noted that council had faced key challenges with the pandemic and budget restrictions and that areas of performance had therefore been affected. However, it was felt that there were areas where improvement was required, and it was hoped that these would be addressed in the end of year report to the committee so that progress could be noted. It was suggested that a KPI on the level of PDP’s and 1:1 meetings for staff should also be included in the list of Corporate KPIs.


64.3         The Head of Performance, Improvement & Programmes noted that the inclusion of additional KPIs could be raised with the KPI Members Working Group and if agreed then included for future reports.


64.4         The Chief Executive noted that the quality of the report was very good and reminded the committee of the journey the organisation had been on to bring the information to Members. He stated that the Executive Leadership Team used the information to review performance on a regular basis and whilst the challenges for some services had been significant, work was underway to address areas that were under performing could be supported and begin to improve.


64.5         Dr Biswas-Sasidharan welcomed the report and asked if it would be possible to measure Trans information separately in the future.


64.6         The Head of Performance, Improvement & Programmes stated that she was not sure if sufficient information was available to separate it out but would look at that for future reports.


64.7         Councillor Appich welcomed the report and queried whether the information from residents was as up to date as it could be?


64.8         The Chair noted that the City Tracker had been delayed due to the pandemic and the last one had been in 2018 but he hoped that it could be put back on a bi-annual tie frame. He then put the recommendations to the vote which were carried unanimously.


64.9         RESOLVED: That the progress made in relation to Corporate KPIs in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, particularly the corrective measures outlined for ‘red’ and ‘amber’ indicators, and that they provide support and challenge to lead officers to bring performance back on track be noted.





80.1         The Chair asked if the Committee wished to refer any items to the next full Council meeting for information.


80.2         Councillor Yates requested that Item 64, Progress Update Against Corporate Key Performance Indicators Q2 2021/22 be referred to the full Council.


80.3         RESOLVED: That Item 64 be referred to the full Council for information.